The comparison tool allows you to compare a maximum of three products, based upon a number of factors.

Within this example, we will use the comparison tool to compare three insulation board products.

First we select the products to compare by clicking 'compare' on the bottom right of the products image - as shown below.

Note: A pop-up will present  you with similar products. Although it may be useful before comparison, to use the [LINK] advanced search [/LINK] tool to form a selection of products specific to your requirements.

You will now be presented with the comparison data available for each product chosen - as shown below.

If you decide that a product you are comparing does not meet your requirements and you would like to compare another. Simply click back on your browser, remove the item which is undesirable and add a new product to compare. An example of this process can be viewed below.

Having compared the data available for each product, you can now make a more educated judgement on which will best meet your requirements. If you elect to use a product that you have compared within your project, simply click 'Add to Project'. You can find more information about creating projects [LINK] here [/LINK].