Positive company reviews provide specifiers with confidence in your brand and products and directly improve your:

  • Search rankings
  • Click through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Popularity

Reviews on SpecifiedBy use a 5 star system with comments, similar to what you might find on Amazon.


Your company rating shows up in several important positions across SpecifiedBy:

Your branded company profile - this adds credibility & trust to your brand page on SpecifiedBy.

At the bottom of this page, we also show the detailed reviews and the form for specifiers to leave reviews.



In the sidebar of your product pages - this increases conversion rate from product views to leads and enquiries.


In branded search results - similar to your brand profile, this adds credibility and increases trust, but also increases click through rates in this scenario.


Manufacturer listings by Category - perhaps the most important, as these pages are ranked in order of review score. So if you want to be the top [category] manufacturer, you need a good review score.

Gathering Reviews

As you'll want to be proactive about gathering positive reviews from existing customers, we have created a form and URL which you can share.

As demonstrated below, the main review form can be found at the bottom of your branded company profile page:

Or you can simply click on the stars below your logo:

Doing this will provide you with the review link you need to share with customers.

This link is simply your branded company profile URL with #reviews added to the end. So for the demonstration 'SpecifiedBy' listing in these images, the url is:


All reviewers are required to provide their:

  • Name
  • Role
  • Email address (verified)

We check the validity of the email and also block attempts to review your own listing and / or competitors listings with automated technology. We will have a monitoring system to check reviews manually for any foul play.

And the review consists of a:

  • Star rating
  • Title
  • Comment

We look forward to seeing you building up your positive reviews added to SpecifiedBy :)

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]