The first thing to get sorted with your new SpecifiedBy account is probably to set up your company profile page.

This includes:

All of these actions can be carried out within the  Settings tab in your dashboard.

Adding Your Contact Details

You can add your company address, website URL (be sure to include http://) and links to your social media profiles.

For social media profiles, make sure to follow the example inputs provided to make sure you enter the correct information.

Note: The email address in your settings will be the one that enquiries are sent to AND will also be the login email for your account. So if you change this to a generic sales@ email address, remember that this changes your login details. You can add an 'Alternative Notifications Email' at the bottom of this page to ensure that you, or another colleague, receive reports and other notifications.

Adding a Company Description

We recommend keeping your company description relatively short and to the point. Simply tell specifiers exactly what you do - they don't need the full history of your company. Also, avoid using unnecessary, overused superlative such as 'leading...' 'number one...' etc.

Upload a good quality version of your company logo. The recommended dimension is X x Y pixels

Uploading a Background Image

It is also possible to add an attractive background image to further customise your profile page. The recommended dimension for this image is 1280 x 420 pixels

Once you have made all the required changes, simply hit the 'Update' button and you're all done!